I let my domain expire a while ago. Now I'm trying to renew it and I get "renewal failed." Why?

If you let your domain expire, you can usually renew it as normal during the renewal grace period. This is (usually) a 40-day period during which the domain can be renewed at the regular cost. After that, there is no automated process for renewal. Such domains can often be recovered, but the desire to do so must be communicated manually all the way up the chain from you to the TLD registry, who must then perform the recovery by hand. For this reason, they charge a hefty fee for such recoveries, which we must pass along. The fee is currently $65.

What does this mean? If your domain has expired and is now past the grace period, you have two options:

  1. Wait for the domain to be completely deleted and then try to re-register it.
  2. Pay the stiff redemption fee to have your domain manually recovered.

If you choose to wait, you risk the domain being registered immediately upon deletion by domain "tasters" who traffic in used domain names to see if they attract profitable hits. Due to a policy loophole that makes the practice essentially free, this happens more often than you might think, although not as much as it used to. If (when) they get the domain, tasters will often want hundreds or thousands of dollars to sell it back to you.

If you choose to pay the redemption fee, it takes 2-3 days for the manual request to process through before you can use the domain again. There is no way to expedite the recovery.

Neither choice is attractive, which is why we recommend against letting your domain registration lapse unintentionally. If a domain you want to keep expires, renew it immediately. But try to avoid letting important domains expire at all. There is no penalty for early renewal, and we offer domain auto-renewal for critical domains that must not be allowed to expire.

If you are in this situation and want to pay the redemption fee, make sure you have the funds on deposit and open a ticket with sales or send an email to sales@apprentalonline.com as soon as possible so we can initiate the process.

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